Ethics In SEO & SEM

When dealing with SEO & SEM companies need to be explicitly careful that they will not damage their credibility, or give a negative sense of morals towards their company.

SEO & SEM are effective brand awareness tools that help to bring new consumers or customers to their website. Ethical SEO & SEM uses optimization techniques that follow a code of conduct, they don’t have hidden tricks and the ideas are clearly visible to the consumer (Optimus). Unethical SEO & SEM, often referred to as ‘spam’ are designed to trick or deceive the consumer (Optimus).

A prime example of an unethical use of SEO was done by BMW back in 2006. They created multiple blank doorway pages that lead users back to their homepage, This practice is very unethical because it is coning consumers to get them to your homepage (Devaney).

Companies like BMW made a big mistake that could take a long time to fix in the eyes of the public. Companies that constantly use ethical practices are more respected and more apt to be used by consumers.

Ethical SEO vs. Unethical SEO. (2013, January 14). Retrieved from

Devaney, E. (n.d.). The Biggest SEO Blunders of All Time. Retrieved from

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